Become a Certified PHP & MySQL Developer in 2 Months.
Are you new to PHP or need a refresher? Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of Procedural PHP, MYSQLi and ending the course by building a CMS system.
Knowing PHP will allow you to build web applications, websites or Content Management systems, like WordPress, Facebook, Twitter or even Google.
There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge. PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place.
Why PHP?
Because Millions of websites and applications use PHP. You can find a job anywhere or even work on your own, online and in places like Freelancer, Fiverr or Upwork. You can definitely make a substantial income once you learn it.
- Learn how PHP works.
- Learn the basic syntax of PHP.
- Learn to create dynamic interactive pages with PHP.
- Learn to manipulate files with PHP.
- Learn to work with arrays in PHP.
- Learn to validate forms with PHP.
- Learn to write functions in PHP.
- Learn to manipulate and manage database data with PHP.
- Learn to authenticate users with PHP.
- Learn to manage sessions with PHP.
- Learn advanced form validation with regular expressions.
- Learn to send email with PHP.
- Understand how MySQLi works.
- Learn to modify MySQLi data.
1-PHP Basics
- Welcome to the Server-side
- What is a web server?
- Dynamic Websites
- Status Codes
- How PHP Works
- The php.ini File
- PHP Tags
- Comments
- PHP Statements and Whitespace
- PHP Functions
- Variables
- Variable Types
- Variable Names (Identifiers)
- Type Juggling and Casting
- Variable Scope
- Superglobals
- Single Quotes vs. Double Quotes
- Concatenation
- Passing Variables on the URL
- User-defined Functions (UDFs)
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Default Values
- Variable Scope
- Including Files
- require
- require_once
- Constants
- Error Reporting
- Including a Secure Configuration File
2-Flow Control
- if / if-else / if-elseif-else
- Simple if Condition
- if-else Condition
- if-elseif-else statement
- switch/case
- Ternary Operator
- Loops
- while
- do while
- for
- break and continue
- Indexed Arrays
- Initializing Arrays
- Appending to an Array
- Reading from Arrays
- Looping through Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Initializing Associative Arrays
- Reading from Associative Arrays
- Looping through Associative Arrays
- Superglobal Arrays
- Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Reading from Two-dimensional Arrays
- Looping through Two-dimensional Arrays
- Two-dimensional Associative Arrays
- Non-tabular Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Array Manipulation Functions
- in_array() Function
4-PHP and HTML Forms
- HTML Forms
- How HTML Forms Work
- Form Submissions
- Sanitizing Form Data
- htmlspecialchars()
- htmlentities()
- filter_var()
- filter_input()
- Validating Form Data
- Was the Field Filled In?
- Is the Entered Value an Integer?
- Is it an Email?
- Is it a Valid Password and Do the Passwords Match?
- Do the Combined Values Create a Valid Date?
- Did the User Check the Box?
5-String Manipulation
- Formatting Strings
- Concatenation
- String Manipulation Functions
6-Reusing Code and Writing Functions
- Including Files
- require
- require_once
- auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file
- User Defined Functions
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Default Values
- Code Organization
7-Simple SELECTs
- Introduction to the Northwind Database
- Some Basics
- Comments
- Whitespace and Semi-colons
- Case Sensitivity
- SELECTing All Columns in All Rows
- SELECTing Specific Columns
- Sorting Records
- Sorting by a Single Column
- Sorting By Multiple Columns
- Ascending and Descending Sorts
- The WHERE Clause and Logical Operator Symbols
- Checking for Equality
- Checking for Inequality
- Checking for Greater or Less Than
- Checking for NULL
- Checking Multiple Conditions with Boolean Operators
- OR
- Order of Evaluation
- The WHERE Clause and Logical Operator Keywords
- The BETWEEN Operator
- The IN Operator
- The LIKE Operator
- The NOT Operator
8-Advanced SELECTs
- Calculated Fields
- Concatenation
- Mathematical Calculations
- Aliases
- Aggregate Functions and Grouping
- Aggregate Functions
- Grouping Data
- Selecting Distinct Records
- Built-in Data Manipulation Functions
- Common Math Functions
- Common String Functions
- Common Date Functions
9-Subqueries, Joins and Unions
- Subqueries
- Joins
- Table Aliases
- Multi-table Joins
- Outer Joins
- Unions
- UNION Rules
10-Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records
- Exercise: Inserting Records
11-Managing Data
- Querying a Database
- mysqli() Overview
- mysqli Methods and Properties
- Inserting and Updating Records
- mysqli Prepared Statements
12-Authentication with PHP and SQL
- The Registration Process
- Passwords and Pass Phrases
- Registration with Tokens
- Sessions
- Session Variables
- Cookies
- Exercise: Logging in
- Logging Out
- $_REQUEST Variables
13-Regular Expressions
- Perl-compatible Regular Expression Functions
- preg_match()
- preg_replace()
- Regular Expression Tester
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Start and End ( ^ $ )
- Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
- Common Characters ( . d D w W s S )
- Grouping ( [] )
- Negation ( ^ )
- Subpatterns ( () )
- Alternatives ( | )
- Escape Character ( )
- Form Validation Functions with Regular Expressions
14-Session Control and Cookies
- Sessions
- Configuring Sessions
- Session Functions
- Cookies
15-Sending Email with PHP
- mail()
- Shortcomings of mail()
- Setting Up PHPMailer
- Get and Install the Latest Version of PHPMailer
- Mail Server
- Sending Email with PHPMailer
- PHPMailer Methods and Properties
Who this course is for:
This course is meant for total beginners in PHP
No programming experience is needed at all
Certificate of Completion:
All students who complete this course will receive a FREE ‘Certificate of PHP & MySql Training’.
Training Program : 2 Months
Fee: Rs. 5,000/month
Fee for Home Tuition and Online Classes: Rs. 10,000/month