PSD to WordPress Theme Development

PSD to WordPress Theme Development

PSD to WordPress Theme Development

Become a Certified PSD to WordPress Theme Developer in 2 Months.

Today, having a website is as important as your brick-and-mortar store for selling products and services. More and more businesses are getting online as they find it a convenient and effective way to reach large audiences. However, when it comes to developing a website many businesses would prefer WordPress. This is because, it is a popular and trusted content management system powering websites of many of the top brands in the world. Plus, it also comes with many excellent features and promising security patches that make it prima facie for many companies. Therefore, PSD to WordPress conversion has become an essential process in the web development industry.


Why PSD to WordPress is highly demanded?

Pixel Perfect: You can make pixel perfect website from PSD using WordPress. If businesses want their website to look flawless and support it with amazing designs then PSD to WordPress conversion is the only way one can create stunning and Pixel Perfect designs.

Easy to use: WordPress is very easy to use. No deeper programming language requires developing a website using WordPress.

Cost effective: WordPress is very cost-effective. WordPress is free to use.

SEO Friendly:

Every business needs to promote their business through the internet to get visitors or customers. For promoting your website, your website should SEO friendly. WordPress website is the best SEO friendly site than any other sites. WordPress based websites tend to rule the search engines apart from some exceptions. A PSD to WordPress conversion makes a website more optimized. With WordPress CMS updating content and images also becomes very fluid which makes PSD to WordPress converted websites the first choice of search engines.

Social Media Integration:

WordPress is fully compatible with social media. You can easily integrate Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. With the website becoming more SEO friendly and the social media integration becoming easier a PSD to WordPress converted websites have higher chances to receive W3C Validation faster.

Responsive Design:

PSD to WordPress conversion helps developers to create responsive designs. These websites are cross-browser compatible and highly responsive making our website visible to more and more users.


Any business is meant to grow. If the business will grow the website will also have to grow along with it. PSD to WordPress conversion is beneficial when we introduce any new service or launch a new product. For this, we will have to introduce new pages to the website which can only be done if PSD to WordPress is done properly.

Browser compatibility: WordPress sites are compatible with all browsers

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for web designers interested in web development
  • This course is for people with experience with HTML and CSS
  • This course is for people who have little or no WordPress experience


What you’ll learn:

  • Learn how to transform any PSD file into a WordPress Theme
  • Learn Good Practices in WordPress Theme Development
  • Learn some advanced Features like Custom fields and Custom Post Types
  • Understand WordPress Theme Development
  • Create Mobile First WordPress Themes
  • Learn how to Write Secure WordPress Code
  • Learn how to create Options Pages in WordPress


Certificate of Completion:

All students who complete this course will receive a FREE ‘Certificate of WordPress Theme Development Training’.


Training Program : 2 Months
Fee: Rs. 5,000/month
Fee for Home Tuition and Online Classes: Rs. 10,000/month

